Using Google Cardboard in the Classroom

Google cardboard is an inexpensive VR tool that can easily bring virtual reality experiences into your classroom. All you need is a Google cardboard headset and a cellular device. On your cellular device you can download the Google cardboard app that offers an extensive amount of VR experiences to choose from. You then insert your phone into the Google cardboard headset and Boom! You have an inexpensive VR experience. 

Video on how Google cardboard works.

The uses of Google cardboard in the classroom are almost endless. After some research, I found two great articles that give examples of how to use Google cardboard in the classroom. The first of these articles, titled “12 ways to use Google cardboard in your class” discusses 12 strategies for teachers to use to incorporate VR into their classroom using Google cardboard. From this article, some of my favorite ideas were to use Google cardboard to take students on virtual fieldtrips and to use the Discovery Channel to take students on virtual educational experiences. For instance, you could take students on a virtual fieldtrip to the any of the Smithsonian museums and you could use the Discovery Channel to take students on interactive tours of the ocean. Discovery VR would be the app you would need to download to access Discovery Channel content. Both of these uses are extremely beneficial in a science classroom!

Another application of Google cardboard in a science classroom specifically, is the use of the InCell VR app. Students would download this app on their cell phones, and then students could take virtual tours of cells in the classroom. So cool! Check out the video below to get a preview of what the VR app looks like.

InCell app VR preview

The second article, titled “10 simple ways to use Google cardboard in the classroom” had similar ideas to the previous article. However, a new idea in this article was to use Google earth to take students on trips around the world. Google earth allows students to act as if they are flying above landmarks and countries around the world, so you have a top down view. An example of this can be seen in the picture below, where Google earth using Google cardboard took students to Grand Prismatic in Yellowstone National Park.

Screenshot of Grand Prismatic in Yellowstone National Park from Google earth using Google cardboard.

Google cardboard provides many opportunities for global collaboration. It opens the door for students to visit and learn about others countries and cultures which provides an opportunity for students to make worldwide connections. With more knowledge of worldwide cultures, students have a great ability to connect with students from different classrooms around the world.

Citations: Jarrett, N. (2016, November 20). 10 simple ways to use google cardboard in the classroom. EDTECH 4 BEGINNERS. Retrieved December 9, 2022, from Miller, M. (2016, August 18). 12 ways to use google cardboard in your class. Ditch That Textbook. Retrieved December 9, 2022, from

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