Blog Post 10: Augmented and Virtual Reality

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For this blog post, I researched Google Earth Tours in the elementary setting. With the use of Google Earth Tours students are able to become global citizens because they are not only able to communicate with other classes from the places we explore. They also get the opportunity to see the differences between cultures and day-to-day activities in other countries besides the U.S. But the opportunities don’t really end there as they are also able to further explore their home state and the multiple cultures that may make up their state. It would provide a learning experience for my students as they are able to ask questions to other students as well as teachers, But they’re able to become the teacher as well since they’re able to teach students about their own cultures and what goes on in their state.

The lesson plans that I saw were really in-depth and involving not only what they already knew but the new information that they were able to learn from their fellow students abroad. The lesson plan that I like the most included students going over their own communities and what they know about them. I think this is an important step to becoming a global person because they’re able to learn as much as they can and bring that to this assignment not only later in the assignment students will be in charge of adapting a perspective of students in another city or country other than theirs. They’ll do the research and be able to show what they were able to learn and how different it may be compared to theirs. So I think the use of Google Earth could possibly better create their very own perspective in the world and create better global citizens as well.

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