WE Virtual Learning Center

Screenshot of the website home page.

WE is a wonderful website I got to visit in another assignment a few weeks ago for my Web Tools course. I found the work that the organization did to be noble and inspiring, so I am glad to revisit it. This side of the organization I had yet to visit though, so it is interesting to see how much they have to offer for educators to bring into the classroom.

Screenshot of Trauma-Informed Practice module page

The “WE Teachers: Trauma-Informed Practice” modules and practice caught my attention right away. I found this to be a valuable tool for educators to include in the classroom, and I definitely will down the line. This module addresses that students experience traumas just as much as any average adult has. Within the module, educators will learn about different possible traumas of students they may come across, how to acknowledge the signs of them, and use this information to create an informed classroom that better serves these students.

Screenshot of self-assessment for the module

I found the self-assessment in the module to be a great addition to it, as we give students assessments like these often. Some of the information may seem like a given, as we all experience personal traumas to some extent. However, it is important for educators to know that these traumas often extend into the classroom and why that is. Sometimes struggling students are not just misbehaving or choosing defiance, rather they need someone to see what is happening and act accordingly.

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