Blog post 9- Change-makers

On the WE virtual learning center, I visited the well-being part for kindergarten to third grade. This interested me because mental health and well-being is so important now in school’s and sometimes is not taught enough. In my future classroom I want to focus on my students the most and always make sure they are in the right mind space before I worry about their assignments. On this website, it encourages the children to interact with each other and dive into one another thoughts. This lesson also asks students to define the definitions and write down different ideas of how they can experience well-being. One thing I thought was interesting and I would like to do in my future classroom was have the children draw a picture from a time they were in a well-being state of mind. After the children draw the picture, I would ask them to explain it and how it relates to the topic. The website showed examples of the boxes the students would draw and even had a web map for them to do. This would help teach the students because it allows me to see where their thoughts are and what makes them happy while exploring the different things each child said. By getting to know the children different perspectives, I can help make sure they experience well-being in my classroom.

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