Accessibility Tools

Read Aloud is a free open-source extension on chrome that does just what its name says, it reads text out loud. This helps children and adults with dyslexia and other learning disabilities to read. It can read text from numerous sources such as PDF, Docs, Kindle, and more. You can also change the voice, speed, and pitch of the text-to-speech extension.

OpenDyslexic is another open-source extension that can help dyslexic students read better on a computer. The app will change all text on a web page to a font specially designed to be easier for people with dyslexia to read. It also reformats the page to be more readable. The font design helps to prevent letters from “flipping around” for dyslexic readers. This app is also free.

Using the OpenDyslexic font Dyslexia Toolbox also incorporates a text mask to help dyslexic readers focus more easily on portions of text. Additionally, this app offers left alignment of text. This feature makes it easier to find the start and finish of each line of text.

Visor helps people who have difficulty focusing on what they’re reading by using text overlays and a point-of-focus tracker. These tools help a readers focus and prevent skipping from line to line. The overlays can also help with eye strain and comprehension. Students with visual perceptual difficulties can benefit from using this app.

Just Read takes away ads, popups, and other distractions that impact students with learning disabilities. This extension helps people with being less distracted while reading on the computer.

Grammarly helps with grammar, spelling, punctuation, and synonyms. This app proofreads for spelling, and grammar errors, and makes suggestions for word choice and clarity making it an invaluable tool for someone who has a learning disability, especially dyslexia.

ModMath helps students with dysgraphia, a condition that affects a person’s ability to write legibly. With ModMath students can set up math problems on their computer that are easily legible. Then the work can be saved, printed out, or submitted online.

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