7 Useful Accessibility Tools

I believe that the most useful tool that I use for organization is Google Calendar. Itis extremely helpful as it can be used to create events, send reminders, and even share your schedule with others. A device I researched that sounds very convenient is a portable device called a C-Pen Reader. You can carry this device with you and it can read printed text aloud in English, Spanish, or French. I am also interested in Thunder T3, a tool that can be used for reducing noise in a room through earmuffs. This is achieved through the use of Air Flow Control technology. I  feel that video games are a great way for children to learn without realizing that they are learning. Among Us is a game I found that stood out to me the most.. This game is available on windows, ios, or android and is a motivating way to teach children action strategy skills. AccessAbility for Chrome is among the best when looking for a text to speech reader for websites. In addition to text to speech there is a listen and summarize option, a highlight bar for reading, and a font and background change option. Rewordify is a great way to simplify difficult English for a better understanding of text. The final tool that I find the most useful is Printfriendly. With Printfriendly you can print information found from websites to paper and remove distracting content.

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