7 Accessibility Tools For Every Classroom

#1. JAWS Screen Reader – JAWS is an acronym meaning Job Access With Speech. This technology is a program that is meant to make it easier for visually impaired or blind people to read the screen. This tool will read the screen with text-to-speech audio or use a Braille display.


#2. ZoomText – ZoomText is a similar program to JAWS Screen Reader wherein the application for it is meant to assist the visually impaired. This technology will essentially enlarge and enhance the image/reading on your screen. Additionally, it can read your documents or even provide an echo to what you are typing.


#3. C-Pen Reader – Focusing more on the equipment side, a C-Pen Reader is a technology that is similar to the previously mentioned software but in physical form. This tool will scan and read text out loud in multiple different languages including English, French, and Spanish.


#4. Smartpens – A smartpen is as its name states, a pen. However, this little tool puts a bit of a twist to note-taking. While taking their notes students are able to record the entire lecture with this pen and either play it back or have it uploaded to another device. Some smartpens can even take pictures of your notes as you write them.


#5. Speechnotes – Speechnotes does exactly what is in the name. As you speak the program will be taking notes on everything that you say. If a student is unable to write or struggles it may be easier to use this tool to directly translate their thoughts. If you are brainstorming and just thinking out loud this tool is great to keep track of what you are saying.


#6. Forest: Focus for Productivity – This application is a phone app that is geared towards keeping you focused. It’s essentially a study timer that increases productivity. As you keep off your phone your plant will grow while you keep focus.


#7 Zoom – Zoom is a virtual meeting software that has the ability to keep you in the classroom or workplace remotely. Additionally, the application allows for meetings to be recorded allowing you to re-watch lessons and skim over to the different topics you may be struggling with.


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