HyperDoc Lesson Plan

Sheila Godfrey

I found a link that contains different types of HyperDoc templates that you can customize. For example, there is a HyperDoc lesson plan template. To use this template, start by making a copy, and then follow the notes so you know when and where to add videos, links, and instructions. The first box is titled, Engage. This is where you need to grab your students attention with a good hook, such as a video or image. The second box is titled, Explore. This is where students will be able to find resources to explore the topic. You must provide these resources, so give yourself time to do some research. The third box is titled, Explain. This is where the lesson objective needs to be explained to your students, maybe through a fun web tool, or see what your students know and let them explain a bit. Work together to thoroughly understand the objective. The fourth box is titled, Apply. Let the students apply their knowledge with some type of assignment that allows them to use web tools, and for some assignments, students can work in groups, and maybe with other students from around the world. The fifth box is titled, share. Review your students’ work and provide them with feedback, or provide them with the opportunities to share with a genuine audience. Blogging is obviously a great way to accomplish this. The sixth box is titled, Reflect. Literally reflect with your students.Discuss what was learned, likes and dislikes about the assignment or what they learned. Work together to answer each others questions, and figure out new goals to work on in the future and how to get there. The seventh and final box is titled, Extend. This is where you can add extra links to more learning activities and resources. I think this is great HyperDoc, and I was amazed to see how many are available as I searched for this one. They are all simple to follow, many are basic as others have many extra features and details. This was a basic lesson plan template HyperDoc, it is easy to customize, and it can be shared with your students through Google Classroom or with a link. Check out this video to see a how a teacher uses a HyperDoc with her third grade students.

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