Accessibility Tools

What are accessibility tools? Accessibility tools are tools that help make education much easier and manageable for those with accessibility needs. Within this blog, I am going to discuss some of my favorite accessibility tools that I find to be most helpful. The first accessibility tool that I found to be most helpful would be Google Calendar. I like this tool because it helps create a set schedule for things like reminders or important events. This will help keep organized and understood. Another accessibility tool that I found to be most helpful would be Google Classroom. I like this tool because it is a place where school work is getting observed and discussed. This is where there is feedback on assignments and students will be able to read them and understand what they did correct or incorrect. Another accessibility tool that I found to be most helpful would be Google Slides. I like this tool because it allows for education to be presented. This is an easy way to understand information. This tool allows for text, images and videos. This is also a tool that both teachers and students can work on.

Another accessibility tool that I found to be most helpful would be Read & Write. I like this tool because it advocates for students who may struggle with assignments such as reading or writing. This is a free tool that helps both teachers a students. It also assists those who may be stuggling with a language. Another accessibility tool that I found to be most helpful would be C-Pen Reader. I like this tool because it helps students who may be having trouble reading text aloud. Whether it is a language sturggle or not, this tool reads aloud text in whichever language is chosen. Another accessibility tool that I found to be most helpful would be Smart Pens. I like this tool because it is a piece of bluetooth technology that allows for students to record audio during a class session. This enables students to be able to listen to there class audio again to get a better understanding of something, or something they may have missed. Another accessibility tool that I found to be most helpful would be Captions in Microsoft Teams. I like this tool because it allows for students to both hear and read what is being said. If a student were to miss something or they can’t hear what is being said, this tool allows for students to be able to read text through captions.

This image expresses how important education is for EVERYBODY, those with accessibilities included!

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