
What is your #OneWord? Hyperdocs maintain a vast amount of information that helps students succeed on specific lessons but the #oneword one is a little different. The purpose of this lesson is to summarize your entire life and goals in one word, which can be incredibly difficult for students to do. The lesson includes many resources to help students overcome this difficult class, with the first block to the lesson equating the assignment to a new year’s resolution. After looking at all the resources the students have to select a single work and then built a graphic for that word which, the website has a link to many examples of the project being done correctly which can really assist students with understanding how to properly execute the requirements for the project.

As someone that likes to have a lot of structure to a lesson plan the idea of learning with a hyperdoc really seems perfect for me and someone like me because of the added structure that it provides. I would really like to incorporate this into my classroom one day for a couple reasons. The first is that it gives added structure to the lesson plans which as someone who wants to teach 4th grade could be very beneficial to a younger audience. The second is that the if students are struggling on work, their parents will also have access to the lesson plan which means they can assist their student in completing work. Finally, I like the idea of students that struggle focusing in class or comprehending a lesson can go home and use the hyperdoc to teach themselves or review a lesson.

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