Biology Hyperdoc

Hyperdocs… what an awesome tool to engage students in their own learning. I was able to find a Hyperdoc related to Animal Cells, a key topic in Biology. I found this Hyperdoc on, which is actually a website that allows you to make a copy of Hyperdocs created and uploaded by teachers from all around the world.

As previously stated, the Hyperdoc I found was on Animal Cells. The Hyperdoc had students watching videos, answering questions, reading articles, and creating projects.

Screenshot of page 1 of Hyperdoc.

Students would be instructed to click on the blue links throughout the Hyperdoc to assist them in completing the tasks on the right-hand side. Students would be viewing multiple Youtube videos, exploring interactive cell diagrams and models, filling out a cell diagram on a Google slide, and also creating a cell model. The goal of this Hyperdoc is to teach students about structure of an animal cell and the functions that cells play in living organisms.

Screenshot of interactive cell diagram.

One of my favorite things about this Hyperdoc, and Hyperdocs in general, is the fact that students are learning the material on their own, and the teacher is simply there as a facilitator. Using Hyperdocs is a great way to promote student-centered learning and allows students to be active participants in their learning. Another thing I really love about the use of Hyperdocs is that students can go at their own pace to learn the material. In addition, Hyperdocs also lend themselves toward differentiation, as the teacher can add information and activities to the Hyperdoc that meets the needs of multiple learning styles.

All of that being said, I can see myself using Hyperdocs often in my classroom. The Animal Cell Hyperdoc that I found online is the perfect example of the type of Hyperdoc I would create and implement in my science classroom. I would either use Hyperdocs to teach students new material, like the Animal Cell one, or I would use Hyperdocs as a way for students to review chapter information. Just imagine how helpful it would be for students to have an entire chapter’s worth of important information to review in one place in a Hyperdoc!

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