Hyperdoc in Google

What is a Hyperdoc? A hyperdoc can be described as lesson plan that is completely online. A hyperdoc gives a teacher a place to educate students without being face-to-face. Both teachers and students have access to hyperdocs as well. Personally, I feel that hyperdocs are very benefical for both teachers and students. It is an easy tool for teachers to use to instruct and educate students. It is also an easy tool for students to learn and understand information. Hyperdoc is a way of teaching through technology. What is a Hyperdoc in Google? A Hyperdoc in Google can be described as a digitial document. This type of document is commonly used through Google Docs. Within a Google Doc Hyperdoc, hyperlinks are included where students are able to find the information they need for various different topics. I feel that hyperdocs are very essential when learning online.

This is an image that relates to this Blogs topic, learning through technology.

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