The Smithsonian National Musuem of Natural History was a place I have always wanted to visit and being able to virtually explore it offers a way for me to do something I haven’t had the chance to. One of the first tools I appreciated was the ability to use the map in the top right corner as after exploring for a while I had lost where my place was. Although I have to say as much as I explored I do think I would’ve rather eaten in the actual cafe rather than walk around it on a computer. I explored each area but was enamored with the Fossil Lab section. Online I was able to get enhanced images of the fossils as well as explanations describing what they are. Having a drop down menu on the side of the screen that organized the fossils, text panels, murals, and videos left me with an extremely organized experience that I’m sure I wouldn’t have had if I’d been there face-to-face. I was also able to explore at my leisure and have access to additional information that I may have missed due to going through the virtual tour. However, I can say with full certainty that I will absolutely be going to The Smithsonian National Musuem of Natural History as some of the work shown would be beautiful to experience up close.