My Virtual Field Trip: Venice Italy

It is a goal of mine to visit beautiful Venice Italy, that is if I can ever feel comfortable flying. For my virtual field trip, I decided to take a virtual trip to Venice Italy, which was honestly so fun! When I first clicked on it, I was brought up with multiple different choices of exactly where in Venice I wanted to visit.

I did end up going thru all of them but the first one I viewed was St. Mark’s Square. Each individual choice first opens up with a 360 panorama of a part of the destination. It was absolutely beautiful to see all the aspects of each one from the beautiful sky to the people walking and shopping. Each place also shows a brief informational space about the specific place.

I am glad I chose this for my virtual field trip because I feel like I even learned more by looking into each of these specific locations within Venice Italy. It did although, make me want to visit in person more!

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