Blog Post 7 – Virtual Field Trip

Sheila Godfrey

Like so many others, I have read The Diary of Anne Frank a few times during my years as a student. While reading, I would imagine what the annex looked liked, and today I was actually able to see the annex on a virtual field trip. The virtual field trip that I chose is called, The Secret Annex Online: Anne Frank’s Hiding Place. To get started, I clicked the step inside button, and this took me to the landing with the bookcase. The bookcase hides the door to the annex. I was able to see the whole room by using the 360 degree view. There was a door in the room, but I am not sure where it leads to, and I could see the spiral staircase to my left. While in the this room I was able to watch a short video to learn about the bookcase. To leave this room I had the option of clicking an icon on the bookcase, or I could click the icon of the house in the lower left hand corner, and then select from a variety of rooms. There is also a front view of the home with even more rooms to visit for more interesting information. I was able to go into eight different rooms on the annex view, and each one offered information whether through a video link, or reading something that came from Anne’s diary. I think this was an awesome field trip because of the details within the rooms, and the way the facts are presented to its visitors. I feel that this field trip could be used at the end of a learning unit on Anne Frank. It could be a great and fun way to close out the unit, and it will be memorable to the students.

Landing with Bookcase

One response to “Blog Post 7 – Virtual Field Trip”

  1. I loved this post! Anne Frank was one of my favorite learning experiences back in middle and high school. Her story always brings tears to my eyes, and I will definitely take time to watch her virtual tour. Frank displays courage and strength and her story lives on and is being taught in classrooms around the world. She inspires many with her bravery and her love for her family and her background.

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