Virtual Field Trip to The National Zoo

There are webcams set up that are running 24/7 in several of the animal exhibits at The National Zoo. The animals that can be seen in the web cams are the giant panda, cheetah cubs, naked mole-rats, lions, and elephants. I went through the virtual tour at around 6 o’clock pm and not all the animals were in the room with the web cam at that time. However, I was able to see the naked mole-rats walking through the clear tubes and the giant panda laying up on a high shelf. Here is the link to the virtual field trip. I have also attached some photos of the animals throughout my experience.

Here is the naked mole-rat running through a clear tube.
The Panda can be seen towards the middle of the picture, in the back corner of the room.

2 responses to “Virtual Field Trip to The National Zoo”

  1. This post is great! I like the idea of having a camera running 24/7 of the animals because you can see how they act at any time of the day. I think it’s cute seeing the animals sleep too. I love pandas and elephants so I will have to take a look at this virtual tour!

  2. I liked your blog post and what you had to say in it! I didn’t know that this was a thing until reading your post, and I think it is so cool how far technology has come to be able to experience things like this. I love going to the zoo ad seeing all the cool animals that we may not get to experience in the everyday world.

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