September 11 know as 911

There’s a tribute museum for 911 that lets visitors learn the information about the tragedy event.  The museum has video, artifacts and person-to-person history about what happened and there are people who want to come to the museum to learn more about what happened on that event of 9/11 and what people experience at that event. This is very interesting and very sad. This is a great museum for visitors but also students to visit to learn more about the event of 9/11 the history of what the people went through and what happened everything that went on that day and how their feelings were before and after everything happing and where they were and what the Experience was when it happened And how old they were and were they were and also did they lose any family members and friends or also close people to them also what was their emotions when they saw this is just a Museum that very should go to to see the whole thing to learn more about what happen.

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