
I watched an episode of the Netherlands remake of Skam. In this version of the show, it portrays a very easy going and laid back school. The “mean girls” from school are similar to the ones here. The students that are mainly shown throughout this episode act very grown up and matured. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting before starting this episode but they live very similar lives. The boy troubles, the friend group troubles, and wanting to be accepted while still hoping to be forgiven for the mistakes they make.  The one major difference I noticed throughout the show was how often they drink wine. Throughout the two different meals that were shown, all of the characters were drinking wine with the meals. Meals here usually include soda, milk, water, and juice. Very rarely do people drink wine with every meal they have. I’m not sure which time this episode took place but they were dressed as if it was the middle of winter, even though it seemed to be late fall or early spring with the moistness in the air. Some of the people were wearing winter coats and hats while others were only wearing a jacket. They seem to be living in a major city. The main roads were similar to the roads of  New York City. There was also a part in the show that showed an “angry driver” honking at a car that the city also has. Everybody was accepted for who they are and no one had to change their personalities to be accepted.

This picture represents some of the main characters of the show Skam

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