Microsoft Tools: Writing Skills

Microsoft has made it a great point to implement many useful tools to help students work on their writing skills. In this video, many useful tools in Microsoft programs are highlighted, such as the Editor function, as well as text suggestion prompts when writing on a Microsoft platform.

The Editor tool is an amazing tool that goes beyond just correcting grammar and spelling. One of the very helpful features of this is the text-to-speech function, which allows you to select portions of your writing and have it read aloud to you. This is a great tool for students and struggling writers, as hearing your writing out loud can be very helpful in determining if the flow of your writing works, and if the overall passage makes sense.

In addition to this, Microsoft enables a great tool such as the text suggestions feature. This feature gives real-time suggestions for the writer, which can be helpful when struggling with writer’s block. Microsoft having these features on their platforms are great tools to encourage and help students practice their writing skills, while not making them dependent on them.

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