Chapter 4: Communication

When it comes to the company Microsoft you think of a couple different things like word, PowerPoint, and even Bill Gates but one thing that hardly gets any focus is the educational technology present in the software. After reading chapter 2 “communicators” I never realized the potential versatility that Microsoft brought to the educational platform. Microsoft developed an immersive reader which allows students to get assistance with speaking, writing, and all other forms of communication. The best part about this tool is that it is free and completely accessible to students worldwide, as an aspiring educator I find this idea not only heartwarming but also as a gesture to removing the barriers that stand in front of many brilliant children. Communication is not just a skill to be learned, it is a gift that can allow us to broaden our own levels of understanding. Educators can take away one of the biggest difficulties in education which is language barriers by using this tool. It is a progressive tool that is available to anyone which in my opinion truly encompasses what education is supposed to be about, the spread of information with as little dilution as possible.

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