Educational Technology: Microsoft Speaker Coach

After reading Chapter 2 of Sail the 7 Cs with Microsoft Education: Stories from Around World to Transform and Inspire Classroom, I quickly found an interest in Microsoft Speaker Coach, which is something I have never heard of before. Anyone can use Microsoft Speaker Coach on Microsoft Powerpoint 365 for Windows or Mac. As explained by Microsoft, Speaker Coach “evaluates your pacing, pitch, your use of filler words, informal speech, euphemisms, and culturally sensitive terms, and it detects when you’re being overly wordy or are simply reading the text on a slide.” This would be a great tool for any classroom, to allow students and even teachers, to practice their presentations before they are presented. During each “rehearsal,” users will get a rehearsal report to go over everything Microsft monitors while practicing. This report will allow you to keep practicing, knowing what you have to improve in your presentation. Speaker Coach helps develop presentation skills, minimizes stress or anxiety of presenting, and improves confidence. 

Above is an example of a Rehearsal Report after using Microsoft’s Speaker Coach to practice presenting.

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