Educational Blog Post 4-Communication

Sheila Godfrey

We live in a unique and diverse world, and teachers should be mindful of this in their classroom. One way to make a classroom more inclusive for both students and parents, would be to use the Microsoft Translator for Education site. This site provides free resources and tools for teachers, parents and students. There are also how-to guides to learn about using live captioning and translation in the classroom. This translator tool can be a great way to engage students and/or parents with hearing impairments, and students and/or parents who do not speak English. The use of live captioning and subtitling will enable these students to have an easier time following the lesson. Translator for Education can also be used for parent-teacher conferences, study groups, and for teachers to easily have a conversation with their students. Click this link to see how the Translator for Education was used by Chinese students. It is interesting to hear the presenter speaking in English, and to watch his sentences appearing on the screen in Mandarin, and then you can also hear English translated to Mandarin. I think this is a very resourceful tool for making classrooms more inclusive to our students and parents.

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