Communicating using Flipgrid

After reading Chapter 2 (Communicators) within the “Sail the 7 Cs” Textbook, something that I learned and found not only interesting but also very beneficial would be communicating through a tool called Flipgrid. Flipgrid is a tool where educators and students can communicate with one another through videos. I found Flipgrid to be such a benefical tool because it values others time. Not to mention it is very easy to use. Flipgrid is also a tool that can be used by both teachers and students. The Textbook Chapter 2 (Communicators) uses the example of a teacher using Flipgrid to post video content for all of her faculty meetings. This is so powerful because the other staff members can view the teachers video whenever they have the time to. A personal Flipgrid example that I have would be using it within online classes. Within this Web Tools: Global Learning course, we use the tool Flipgrid as a way of communicating with each other on various different topics. Questions are posted to Flipgrid, and each student responds through their own video answering each question. We also respond to other classmates through videos as well. Flipgrid is a great tool for online courses for classmates to use videos as a way to discuss with one another. This is a way classmates can see each others faces instead of through text responses. I feel as though Flipgrid is a tool that is flexible for everyones schedules. Flipgrid is an updated delivery model that can benefit education for all teachers and students.

This image is a Flipgrid description.

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