The World’s Largest Lesson

The tool that I have selected is The World’s Largest Lesson. The reason I chose this tool is because not only does it include my grade band that I am interested in, but it also seems to be a very informative and extensive tool for educators as well as students. The World’s Largest Lesson is a tool that helps encourage and educate the Sustainable Development Goals. (SDG) This tool teaches children what our planet needs, and how to help make it better for the future. I choose The World’s Largest Lesson tool because it educates what the Global Goals are, why they are so important for our world, and how we can help out. I feel that the Global Goals project is so important because it can help our world become a better place for everyone. It can end hunger, end poverty, promote healthy lifestyles, equality, economic growth, inclusivity and so many more positives. I feel that it is up to us to help the world we live in, and with the Global Goals we can achieve this. The World’s Largest Lesson is so useful because it can educate what the Global Goals are and why we need them. I would most certaintly use The World’s Largest Lesson within my classroom beause it helps create a plan to educate students on how they can help our world and make it better for everyone. This is such an essential tool because it has so many different ideas and activites to engage students of all ages to save our planet.

The World’s Largest Lesson
The Global Goals

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