Educational Technology: Collaboration

Collaboration between co-workers contains many benefits to increasing the working environment in a workplace. Online collaboration allows a group of co-workers to work together, even though they may not be in the same room. Working together in teams could help members of a workgroup work more effectively and faster. A blog that I have found explains the importance of collaboration and the benefits that come with it. Groups get to share their opinions and ideas to brainstorm together for a final project or report that may be due. There are cloud-based programs that allow co-workers to work together from different locations, as long as they can connect to the internet. One important part of collaboration is equality. Everyone in the group should be working fairly by equally splitting the work rather than one person doing all of the work. Everyone needs to participate and communicate as a group. Another important part of collaboration is learning. Everyone can learn new things from each other by sharing ideas and opinions about a specific topic. This could increase knowledge skills, learning skills, and strategies. Especially if there are crucial deadlines, the collaboration between multiple members will help get projects submitted in time. Collaboration has a great value in the workplace and can easily be established in any type of work environment. 

The photo above resembles the importance of collaboration. Working together will increase the ideas and opinions that go into a project. Everyone involved plays a great part.

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