Collaborative Annotations

By: Gianna Gras. September 26, 2022

Being able to work with more than one person on the same project definitely make life easier. This also builds skills when it comes to teamwork and learning people skills. Well with todays technology, we are now able to work on the same thing with multiple people from any place an any time with collaborative annotaion.

Collaborative annotation is a source powered by Microsoft Whiteboard. What annotation does is it allows us to collaborate with others on things like presentations, designs, etc. while sharing your screen in a Teams meeting.

Something like this would be great to use for a classroom setting and it enables students to be able to work with others while using what they know best, which is technology. However, some downsides to this would be maybe not everyone having access to a computer or phone. So, what a teacher could maybe do with this is use Annotation as an in the classroom project and use a computer lab that may be available, and then create groups of students and have them use this to work together on their project.

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