Collaborating in the Classroom with Minecraft

Teachers are always looking for fun and engaging activities for their students.  Well, one activity that students love and can help teachers teach lessons is Minecraft.  Students can explore and create different types of worlds.  Students can build a community for history or explore how different blocks react with one another in science.  

In addition to Minecraft being engaging because it is an activity students already know and like, it also has a big element of collaboration among students. They have the ability to work together to build and create in ways that otherwise might not have happened.  In this article, it discussed how Minecraft can even have implications beyond just learning within the classroom.  Students of all ages were able to work together and build a replica of their school in Minecraft.  In a normal classroom, these students might not have ever gotten the chance to work together because they are different ages learning different things.  However, they all were able to bring knowledge and creativity to work on this project together.  Students are able to work on projects and further their learning both in the classroom and outside of it.  

Minecraft is an online activity, but it encourages so much collaboration between students.  They can work in groups and create projects in a way that they can all learn and participate.  When something comes up that Minecraft can’t answer, they can use their resources to explore a topic further before bringing back what they learn into Minecraft.  Minecraft really can be an important tool in the classroom.  Students already know it and are comfortable with it, so they are more likely to be engaged with what they are learning.  They can work together and learn from each other within the game.  

An example of something students can build in Minecraft

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