What is Cyberbullying?

The article I found on twitter is called What is Cyberbullying?  I find this so important because children spend so much time online that bullying online is something that can happen often. This kind of bullying can happen anytime, not just during school. It is harder to see sometimes because they may get bullied while playing  a game, or through text messages that they hide. They may hide them because they are embarrassed but it is important for parents and educators to recognize the warning signs so that they can do something about it.  The article goes over ways to prevent online bullying which includes online safety lessons for students and reminders to think before posting. This is important for children to remember that their posts are permanent and that they will be held accountable for them. School leaders are also teaching empathy. I believe this is the most important of all because it is getting to the root of the problem. If  students truly understood the impact that their bullying has on their peers then hopefully there would be less bullying to worry about. Instead of banning technology, it is encouraged to teach children how to use it appropriately, and how to handle it when others are not.

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