Using Data To Make Education More Equitable

The pandemic changed many things, from how we pay for stuff at stores to the frequency that we see amazon prime delivery trucks pass by but some thing it did do was open our eyes to some of the flaws in the current education structure. COVID-19 highlighted just how important technology would be to education but although there was an access of data few people thought about how to implement it into a real world educational structure. Jenny Bradbury’s article ”How Districts are using Data to Improve Educational Equity” highlights a push in school districts to begin recording and creating a database for statistics related to technology based learning. This push will allow schools to identify issues and make adjustments to optimize a students learning environment.

The article made many good points that really opened my eyes to how technology and data could be used to make education more equitable. However, I have one issue with the article which is that it mentioned students and discipline. Although, data can be used to make change in a school district I don’t see its relationship to discipline although I would agree that the rate of discipline is disproportionate against minority communities but to say the issue lies solely in class placement is naive. I say that the only way to fix these issues lies in the early childhood placement and until we work and use data from early childhood to make classes more equitable well continuously see these issues persist.

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