Technology Trends in Education

As the world is changing so is our school system and if Covid-19 has taught us anything it is that we need to be prepared. As I read in the ET article depicting current trends in educational technology some may have surprised you others certainly will not. The clear cut number one was certainly E-learning the important for this facet of education was solidified by our experiences with the lockdown the past 2 years. “Many educators also use animations, podcasts and videos to make the e-learning experience more fun and interactive. From customized learning environments to being cost-effective, e-learning has many advantages, which is why we will see this trend grow in the future.” (Piyumi Ediriweera) One of the surprises but one that I am using in this class was Asynchronous Learning. This to me can be helpful especially for younger students who rely on parental guides for help, increasing access is definitely something we all stand to benefit from. Another new thing for myself was the change in the STEM acronym to STEAM. They have now added art to the STEM programs, is this just a marketing ploy for Vocational schools or is there some real teeth in this update? I think this will have to play out district by district to say for sure. Overall many good points made and many good things for the horizon of Tech in Education.


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