Teaching Students Internet Responsibility

This article argues that teaching children internet responsibility at a young age will help limit their screen time and improve cyber safety. The nonprofit organization Common Sense Media promotes to children the concerns of how much time is spent on the internet and what they do while using it. Educators argue that waiting to teach children this until grade school and beyond puts them at a disadvantage and that this knowledge should be instilled in them from their initial date of technological use. This way, children of all ages can have a full understanding of the internet and the negative impacts it can have on them. It is thought that if these ideas are taught to a child in pre-school age that it will prevent high screen time and cyber bullying issues by the team they reach middle school age. It will also teach them not to be so impressionable and take everything seen on the internet as fact.

Some of the ways reduced screen time can be pushed to young children is to have them discuss the fun activities they engaged in offline and to promote those more than the internet. Teachers can also have their students reflect on a time that they had to miss out on something fun because they were too entrapped in their electronic devices. Students can also be taught that. having devices on at night can have detrimental effects towards sleep patterns and quality. Understanding what you are doing on the internet and your affect is also a large a key factor. Teaching children from the start how to assess if a situation on the internet is unsafe and how to safely remove themselves from that is imperative. Teachers can give examples of what is unsafe, such as sharing personal information. Controls and locks can also be put on devices to prevent these encounters. An understanding of a students digital footprint is also necessary. Children need to realize that what they post on the internet is accessible for all and that even if it is deleted it is nearly impossible to erase. Students grasping this concept will allow them to act in a much more conscious way, which as a result will decrease cyber bullying, online threats, etc..

This image shows how technological use can be much more enjoyable for both the teacher and the students when the child is taught how to use is properly and the full responsibility they are taking on.

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