Teachers Influence In Edtech

Within the article, When It Comes to Edtech, How Much Influence Do Teachers Have?, it explains all the different ways a teacher could make the edtech experience better or more difficult. The article references how school was during the covid pandemic and how school was fully online. Wondering how global edtech companies kept everything running smoothly and correctly, if something went wrong the whole school day would be effected. A lot of teachers and professors had to learn how to use all the new technology needed to continue educating. There was no time for them to have a class or a course on how to use Zoom or any other website that had not been used before. In the article it mentions “a teacher-first mentality”, which in my opinion would be the most effective way of teaching for them. Having the teacher know how to use the technology that they are being given as a learning platform, would help the students have a better learning experience and be able to have any questions they may ask answered correctly. In my opinion, teachers have all the influence when it comes to teaching online or using any type of technology. if the teacher doesn’t know how to use it or gets frustrated with the equipment, the students may also feel the same way and not learn everything that they can to the fullest.

This image represents what is might have felt like for teachers who were first learning how to teach in front of a small screen instead of in front of her classroom

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