Finding your students voice

When searching on twitter for an article relating to educational technology, I stumbled upon this twitter thread posted by a primary teacher, Mr. Blair Minchin. Although it’s not an article, it was a really touching story and really shows the importance of digital technology in the classroom. 

Mr.Minchin was teaching a writing portion of class, when one of his students became frustrated at the task of trying to find adjectives in English to improve their sentence. Mr. Minchin had an idea to use a translator on the iPad to speak to the student in their first language, which also allowed the student to show to Mr.Minchin how bright they are, just a bit restricted by a language barrier.

Growing up, I went to middle school and high school surrounded by much diversity and saw how difficult it could be for students to fully excel when they cannot properly communicate in a way that is comfortable to both the educator and the student.

This is a screenshot I took of Google Translate.

With the use of Google Translate or one of the several other translator apps, students and teachers can effectively communicate with each other, creating a comfortable and inclusive environment, allowing the student to reach their fullest potential.

Thank you for reading!

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