Culture of Healing in the Classroom

Culture, agency, transactional or transformative relationships, meaning, and aspirations are five ways that classrooms can develop a culture of healing. COVID did not help teachers and students in any way since 2020. Using these strategies can get classrooms back on track to how things used to be and let everyone heal as a whole. Celebrating everyone’s cultures and values instead of bringing them down for what they believe in is a way to promote healing. Focusing on affirmations and aspirations for students can get them motivated to come to school and learn as well. COVID is seen as a trauma in a way and students need to know they are safe when they come to school. Using these strategies are small steps to creating the positive classroom environment that schools once knew before the world shut down.

All school districts are making strides towards healing after the difficulties that COVID brought on our world. Our classrooms will get back to how they used to be before everything changed.

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