Implementing PhET for STEM Majors

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PhET simulations are used on computers and laptops that are accessible for all. Yet, PhET targets its prime users as women and men of STEM majors. It can be an amazing tool to teach physics, chemistry, math, and sciences of all sort. They are all interactive visual aids that model after what would actually happen in certain scenarios and are of utmost importance for harder things to visualize within the human mind. Upon reflection, the article made me so aware of stellar teaching practices undergirded through simulation technologies that are available to teachers today at our fingertips. The average persons attention span is so short and has decreased over the years, and one way to combat this deficit is by utilizing the forms of technology that are ever growing and improving. In the article, they also exposed the access that is given to Ukrainian refugees, and the impoverished, further making teaching in those circumstances more educational, technologically advanced, and easier to understand.

By: Elle Cecchini

September 14th, 2022

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