Educating Students and Parents on Digital Responsibility.

We are in a world where technology is only growing more prevalent in our lives. It is how we learn, play, and collaborate. The article “Want Kids to Be More Responsible Online? Start Early,” stresses the importance of digital literacy in the classroom and at home. A few of the major points stressed are: Internet Safety, Limitations, and Overall Presence. These points are being taught to students and their guardians, aiming to create a connection between school and home. Children are using technology to learn, connect, and play, so it is necessary to create awareness for positive internet use. In one example from the article, an educator asked students how devices made them feel. She also emphasized how it is important to still respect the people around you and step away from the computer when it starts to affect you physically and psychologically. Technology is a growing presence in our lives, and it is important that we teach the next generation how to navigate this new world.

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