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Sustainable Development Goal: End Poverty in all its form everywhere

A big goal for every country should be to end poverty. By the year 2030, the global poverty rate should be 7% (United Nations). Especially with the beginning of COVID-19 in 2020, the level of poverty increased rapidly. It became the first time where there were levels of extreme poverty rising. There were 119-124 million people were pushed into extreme poverty in 2020 (United Nations). There are a total of 17 goals written by the United Nations that can transform the world we live in. The number one goal in this list is to end poverty.

Our contribution to UN Sustainable Development Goals - Borregaard
A diagram of the 17 goals set by the United Nations.

There are top priorities in eliminating poverty from the world. Directly from the source of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

  • Improving access to sustainable livelihoods, entrepreneurial opportunities and productive resources
  • providing universal access to basic social services
  • progressively developing social protection systems to support those who cannot support themselves
  • empowering people living in poverty and their organizations
  • addressing the disproportionate impact of poverty on women
  • working with interested donors recipients to allocate increased shares of ODA to poverty eradication
  • intensifying international cooperation for poverty eradication

From: https://sdgs.un.org/topics/poverty-eradication

The goal is, by the year of 2030, poverty is eradicated in all its forms. This might be considered one of the greatest challenge of all. The definition of poverty is that you don’t have enough material possessions or income in order to complete the basic needs of a person. Poverty can cause many different issues socially, economically, and politically.

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