Tag Archives: teaching

A Principal’s Reflections: Personalized Learning: The Why, How, and What

I recently came across an article on Twitter that discussed the importance of personalized learning in the classroom. As time goes on, we are expanding the way we think about educating our students. A personalized approach to education is a new way to tailor learning to the student. As psychologist Howard Gardner proposed, there are various types of intelligences and it is time to start teaching our students in a way that benefits their strongest form of intelligence. That is what the principal in this article is suggesting. Educators need to change the learning environment, curriculum, instruction, etc., to meet the needs of their students.

Read the article here!

By altering the way we teach, students have a better chance at succeeding. Simply changing the pace of the lessons makes sure the individual needs of students are being met. Some students may be excelling in a certain topic, so they should be given more advanced work. Other students may be falling behind, so they should be given extra help. Personalized learning benefits students in various different ways, from strengthening their weaknesses to excelling in what they enjoy.

I leave you with this question: Do you think personalized learning is better for students’ confidence and success? Or should we continue to teach how it has always been and not tailor lessons to the students’ strengths?

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