Educational Technology

Technology in the classroom has proven to be one of the best inventions yet (depending on who you ask). As our technology progresses more and more, we find new ways to incorporate it into our lesson plans. There are so many types of educational technology, including; Skype, Google+, Remind, Twitter, and LinkedIn (just to name a few). By utilizing these in the classroom, students are able to communicate with their teacher and other classmates.

One form of technology that I find incredibly helpful and useful in the classroom is Khan Academy. They provide video tutorials for just about any lesson you can imagine. Khan Academy goes in-depth and explains content for students who may not have completely understood it in class. I like using Khan Academy on top of the lesson taught in class because it provides students with an alternative way of thinking.

This video shows a teacher using Khan Academy in her classroom. It provides a second learning opportunity to her students while they are still able to ask her any questions they may have. Khan Academy provides practice tests and video tutorials to help students master the content.

Khan Academy also provides lesson plans for a variety of grades and classes. One that I found was Operations and Algebra. It starts with adding and subtracting with 5, then moves to adding and subtracting with 10. It ends with word problems after the student has successfully mastered the first few steps.

One thought on “Educational Technology

  1. Madalyn Steiner says:

    Insightful blog post, Tori! I think it’s awesome that technology is being incorporated more and more inside of classrooms. Technology supplies an endless amount of resources for educators in today’s world. Like you mentioned in your blog post, teachers can utilize online tools like Skype, Google and even Twitter like we do in this class. Khan Academy sounds like a great tool to use to study for exams and standardized tests!

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