Google Earth Tours

This week, I chose to explore Google Earth Tours. This virtual reality (VR) technology has showed me that is is possible to visit anywhere in the world, from the comfort of your own home. While it is not the same as physically being in that location, it allows us to see what it is like. Since a majority of the country is in lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Google Earth Tours is giving us the ability to see the world because we are not allowed to travel there!

Google Earth completely astounded me when I went on the website. The updated version of Google Earth allows you go to anywhere (and I mean, ANYWHERE) in the world. It gives 3D visuals where you decided to go and descriptions of that locations history and some historical landmarks. I was totally blown away by how amazing the visuals were, it made me feel like I was physically there.

The first place I was super excited to explore was Ireland. So of course, I set my location to Dublin, Ireland! I ended up in Saint Stephen’s Garden, which is your typical park with a lake, waterfall, garden, and playground. It was so cool to be able to “walk around” this park and get a feel for what it would be like if I was physically there.

This tool has made me realize how important global collaboration is. I was able to “visit” so many places I have always wanted to go because of the technology we have today. I think this is such an awesome tool to use in the classroom, especially when studying topics like history or geography. This will give students a more real feel of what it is like in those areas, despite not being able to be there physically. Hopefully, it will also inspire students to travel! This assignment really showed me how much there is in the world that I would love to visit… and not just virtually!

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