A Little About Myself

Hi everyone! I have not fully introduced myself to my fellow classmates and colleagues. In order to do that, I used an app called Animoto. It was completely free and gave me the ability to make a slideshow about myself. It was super simple to use and I am so excited to share it with everyone!


Animoto made making this slideshow ridiculously easy. There were various different themes for videos. It even offered prompts! All I had to do was upload the photos, tweak some of the prompts to fit what I wanted to say, and add music. It published the video very quickly and provided a link right after. This was such a cool tool to use and I will definitely be using it in the future with my classes!

Now, I’ll explain a little about myself. My name is Tori Ellis and I am from Northfield, New Jersey. I go to Stockton University and I am studying Elementary Education with a minor in Disability Studies. I hope to one day get my Master’s in Special Education, but I am taking it one day at a time!

I work at the AtlantiCare Life Center in EHT. For those who do not know what AtlantiCare is, it is a hospital/healthcare service in South Jersey. The Life Center is a gym, so it is a popular gym for (mostly) geriatric patients from AtlantiCare. Sadly, the Life Center was closed due to the pandemic so I have not been working for the last few weeks. Typically (when the world is open) I work 3-4 days a week and then use the facility on my own time to squeeze in some workouts.

That is a little about me and I cannot wait to get to know everyone! Feel free to follow me on socials!

Twitter: @toriellis1027

Instagram: toriiellis

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