My experience on Twitter… thus far

Over the last few weeks, we have been building our Personal Learning Network (PLN) on Twitter. At first, I had some trouble finding the EdChats but eventually got used to it. I really enjoy using Twitter as a way of communicating with people in our GEN2108 class. Since it is an online course, it is hard to form relationships with classmates. Twitter has made this much easier!

My favorite part is seeing professionals in the field of education tweet out their observations, questions, and advice. I have learned a lot about what types of technology to use in the classroom to make lessons more interactive. The use of social media has changed my way of thinking about learning: students can use social media as a learning tool that allows them to reach out to people that they normally never would have met!

I have been able to communicate with both my classmates and professionals in the education field. I have formed relationships with my classmates, which is the most exciting part! I am so excited to continue building my PLN and meeting new people!

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