What is Sustainable Development? How do we teach it?

In 2015, The United Nations came up with a Sustainable Development project that involves fighting climate change, poverty, world hunger, inequalities, etc. The “deadline” for this project in 2030, so that now only gives us 10 years to accomplish the goals of the project. There are 17 set goals that are listed here. The website gives a complete overview and description of the goals for Sustainable Development. In short, when the project started, they were given 15 years to end hunger, fight inequality, fix climate change, help the economy grow, and a variety of other social issues.

When it comes to education, this is very important to teach to students. We, as educators, need to stress the importance of these problems in our classrooms. The goals of the Sustainable Development project cannot and will not be met without the help of everyone. It is not a project that can be tackled by just one area of the world, it is going to take everyone to pitch in and contribute. By teaching this to our students (especially at young ages), they will grow up to be more informed about the problems faced around the world. We can teach it in the classroom by giving take-home projects and showing more videos about the impact the Sustainable Development project has on society and the environment.

Since there is only ten years left to accomplish these goals, we all need to start working together. These are important social and environmental concepts that need to be addressed, and it will not work without the support and contributions from around the world! This is why we need to start teaching it to our students as well. The more they learn now, the more they will know later and that will help them in the future endeavors of fighting for change!

One thought on “What is Sustainable Development? How do we teach it?

  1. Nick Miele says:

    Hi Torri! Thank you for this blog post. The issue of sustainable development is huge in not only the bigger picture but in education as well. I agree with you that we need to stress these problems in the classrooms, so that we assure that they are well informed in order to help in the future.

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