This week I took a virtual tour of Ellis Island. I followed in the footsteps of more than twelve million immigrants when they first stopped in America in 1892. The tour was broken into multiple “stops” and during each “stop”, there were a few sentences/paragraphs explaining. Video, photo, and audio tabs were also provided at different stops. There was a lot of information given to me about Ellis Island that I never learned before. Taking this virtual tour gave me so much more insight on Ellis Island and looking through the videos and reading the “Did You Know?” boxes, were so helpful. I really enjoyed the way the website was set up and how the creator’s made the pages look like they came from a book from the 1800s. Altogether there were ten stops and as you clicked through each one, the picture on the screen would show you were on the Island you were as if you were one of the immigrants.
Taking virtual tours is something that has became very big recently due to the pandemic. Virtual tours still give an individual the opportunity to learn and/or see what they need to during these rough times. On Stockton’s GSDLC website there are lots of different virtual tours that accommodate many people’s interests.
If you would like to visit Stockton’s GSDLC website click here, if you would like to just take the virtual tour of Ellis Island click here.