Student Loan Payment Pause Ending; Loan Interest to Resume

Loan Repayment

Updates are being made to this blog regularly as new information becomes available. Please see below. Bolded information was updated on 6/15/2023. As a result of COVID-19 relief efforts, a

Financial Aid: What to expect this summer!

Fall 2023 Billing

Hey Ospreys! Guess what time it is! You’ve got that right! It’s financial aid time! We know, we’ve been asking you to apply for financial aid and complete your requirements

Do financial aid deadlines really matter?

Financial Aid Deadlines

Hint: The answer is YES!!! Have you ever missed a financial aid deadline? Let me tell you, it’s not so fun.. especially when you find out you missed out on

Updated: Federal Student Loan Debt Relief is blocked; Applications no longer being accepted

Update: The below information is now not applicable, as Federal Student Loan Debt Relief has been blocked. Applications are no longer being accepted and no applications previously submitted are being

Financing your Graduate Education at Stockton University

Graduate Financial Aid

Are you a graduate student? This one’s for you! There’s a common misconception surrounding graduate education that there are no aid programs available to help graduate students afford the cost

Need to Borrow?: Here’s 4 Tips when Applying for Private/Alternative Loans

Tips for Borrowing

Are you looking to borrow a Private or Alternative Education Loan? Here are a few tips and things you might want to think about before doing so! Tip 1: Understand

An Incoming Student’s Guide to Understanding College Financing

Financing your Education

College is an investment. By choosing to attend college, you’re setting yourself up for the future by investing in yourself. The scope of this investment is why it is so