Complete Loan Requirements
“Why aren’t my loans showing on my bill?” If you’re asking yourself this question, you should really be asking yourself “Have I completed all of my requirements?”.
The number one reason students don’t see their student loans on their accounts is because they have outstanding requirements. For first time borrowers, students who have borrowed in the past, but did not borrow during the previous academic year and students who have borrowed at other schools are required to complete Entrance Counseling and a Master Promissory Note on studentloans.gov
Students who have completed federal loan requirements 10 or more years prior need to complete a new Master Promissory Note on studentloans.gov.
You might be asking, “What are these requirements and why do I have to complete them?”. Great questions!
Entrance Counseling is an introductory course all students who borrow Federal Student Loans must complete. The course is meant to provide students with information on borrowing, so they have a better understanding of the process. The Federal Government requires you to complete entrance counseling to ensure that you understand the responsibilities and obligations you are assuming when borrowing.
Things you May Need?
- Verified FSA ID
- School Name
- Details on your income, financial aid, and living expenses.
A Master Promissory Note is a loan agreement. It is a legal document in which you promise to repay your federal student loan(s) and any accrued interest and fees to your lender or loan holder.
Things you May Need:
- Verified FSA ID
- Personal Information
- School Name
- Reference information for two people with different U.S. addresses who have known you for at least 3 years.
In total, these requirements should take around 40 minutes to complete.
You will need your FSA ID and Password to log on to studentloans.gov to complete the requirements.
Once you complete these requirements, it will take 3-5 business days for the school to receive notification from the Federal Government. It is only at this time, the school can add these funds on to your bill. The entire process once the information is received can take up to 48 business hours.
It is important to be sure these and all other financial aid requirements are complete in order for your financial aid to pay to your bill. You can view your financial aid requirements on the goStockton Portal under the financial aid tab by clicking the financial aid requirements graphic on the left-hand side of the screen and entering the aid year.
If you believe you have completed your loan requirements (Entrance Counseling & Master Promissory Note) and you still do not see your loans on your bill, contact the office here.
For all other financial aid requirements, it can take up to 4 weeks after the receipt of the last document/latest information for your verification t be complete and your aid to be awarded. After the proper action is taken on your awards, then you should see your aid applied to the bill. Visit stockton.edu/verification to learn more.
Questions? Contact us!