Digital Storytelling

Digital storytelling allows people to share stories online using photos, videos, text, and so many more elements. If you think this term is foreign to you, it’s probably not if you’re active in the realm of social media. I utilize digital storytelling all the time through Instagram stories and Snapchat stories, as well as other apps I use on a daily basis.

When I use storytelling on my Instagram, I typically use the highlight feature to post pictures and videos of my favorite memories, separated into different categories, like friends, family, travel, etc. The Instagram story feature allows you to add text captions and graphics over your images manually before you post them, but I came across an app that makes your stories exponentially more visually appealing.


You can download Steller in the App Store. Once you create a FREE, you heard me, FREE account you can begin your journey to visual storytelling. When you first open the app, you’re inundated with a plethora of inspiration templates and designs you can scroll through at your leisure for ideas. Once you’re ready to create you can click on the little + symbol at the bottom center of your screen and start assembling your story. I found the most effective way to do this was to import one photo at a time and chronologically go through one at a time to adjust them to your liking. For example, choose the photo you want to be displayed as the first and import it. Design according to your story contents and add a title that describes what your story will be representing.

I used Steller to make a collaboration of photos I’ve taken on a few of my favorite vacations. With that being said, I chose an aerial view of clouds I took from an airplane window to introduce my topic. The app actually had a template that I could import my photo into and make it look like the viewer is seeing through an airplane window, just like I was when I took the photo. Pretty dang cool. I then added my title, “Reminiscing on my happiest travels”, and from here on out, I provided a sequence of photos and location pins from where they were taken. What I like about this app is that it’s so easy to use. It provides a tutorial, of course, for beginners but it was enough of a breeze for me that was able to skip through it. The app can also be used for a number of platforms accompanied by any story you may need to tell, no matter who you are. I could see this app being used in social media marketing, business advertisements, honestly anywhere.

My Steller Story

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