Digital Tools & Today’s Classroom

Today’s teachers and educators have an advantage in the classroom like never before. As technology expands and evolves throughout the years, so does education. Technology grants educators creative and unique methods of teaching in their classrooms, as opposed to teaching out of a textbook. The Global Educator’s Toolbox carries a plethora of tools that teachers can utilize in a classroom to keep their students engaged and active throughout lesson plans. This blog post discusses one of those tools and how it can be utilized in a classroom.

The Remind App

Technology is so abundant that in most situations, either all students own a smartphone or an immediate family member does. This extreme rise of technology makes communication effortless in today’s world due to the abundance of mobile applications and networking sites. The Remind App can be useful for teachers to keep in touch with students or their families to ensure all parties of the classroom are on the same page at all times. In order to use remind, you just sign up for the app by creating an account and then you can instantly start getting text notifications. Text messages, emails and reminders can be sent out to individual people or a group.

A lot of teachers use Remind to do exactly that- Remind their class about upcoming assignments, current events, etc. Depending on the age of the classroom, teachers can send reminders straight to their students. A few of my college professors have used Remind in the classroom to remind us about homework, upcoming exams and canceled class dates. This was a simpler means of communication than email, in my opinion. Remind sends the text notification straight to your phone in real-time, as if it were to be a real SMS message. This was specifically vital to me in a couple situations. For example, if I was ever concerned about my grade in the class I was able to contact my professor immediately. If the age group of the classroom is younger, teachers can use Remind to bridge the communication between teachers and parents about what’s going on inside the classroom. Parents can easily set up the Remind App and utilize it to keep in contact with teachers just like students do.

Additional ways to utilize Remind in the classroom!

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