Hyperdoc- What is it?

The term hyperdoc refers to a virtual document that’s embedded with hyperlinks. If you’re unfamiliar with this term now might be a good time to study up, as it’s most handy in online and at-home learning. Teachers can utilize hyperdocs to instruct an entire lesson to their students within one virtual worksheet. All you need to do is create a word document following a worksheet format and provide links for students to explore pertaining to subject matter. You can add links that send the students to games, videos or articles.

Hyperdocs have been around for years, I even remember using them in middle school when Google Docs was just taking off. From a student’s standpoint, I always looked forward to online assignments like hyperdocs. Time allotted for these assignments allowed me to work in solitude and at my own pace.

A lot of teachers say that a massive benefit of hyperdocs is the spare time it gives them in the classroom. When students are working on their virtual worksheets, teachers can walk around and individually meet with students face to face and get an understanding of their progress. Additionally, hyperdocs provides a source of multimedia into lessons which is known to keep students’ attention more efficiently. Kids love working online, especially when it comes to interactive assignments- It makes school work feel like less of a chore and more fun!

Awesome blog that shares hyperdocs tips!

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