Lifelong Learning

Since the first education course I’ve taken at Stockton to this current course, one specific concept has stood out to me- The concept of keeping an open mind when it comes to learning, especially as an educator or an aspiring educator. We should be open to the idea that learning can take place anywhere, at any time, under any circumstance.

From my own perspective, I’ve learned to take everything in life as a learning opportunity, inside and outside of the classroom. For example, when most people are taking classes they prioritize their learning to take place in a classroom or during their study sessions. I’ve realized that one of the most effective ways for me, personally, to learn is in real-life situations. This is my way of practicing lifelong learning– The “ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated” pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons. By allowing myself to understand that learning can happen at any time, I allow myself to be inspired by day-to-day ideas that I can research on my own. For an example of this, I’m an actively creative person and have a passion for artwork. I regularly attend art museums and absorb as much knowledge as I can pertaining to particular pieces and artists I’m attracted to.

From this, I can encourage my future students to practice lifelong learning and keeping an open mind for education. In my opinion, those who have this kind of mindset are more likely to be more positive and motivated on a regular basis. A lot of the time learning is involuntary, so people should learn to accept and appreciate the process. 🙂

If you’re wondering how you can get more involved in lifelong learning, visit this site.

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